CDBS stands for Child Dental Benefits Schedule. It is an Australian government program that provides eligible children with access to basic dental services. The CDBS aims to promote good oral health habits and ensure that children receive necessary dental treatment.
Under the CDBS, eligible children aged 2 to 17 years can receive a benefit of up to $1,000 over a two-year period for dental services.
The services covered by the program include examinations, X-rays, cleaning, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals, extractions, and partial dentures. However, orthodontic and cosmetic dental services are not covered.
To be eligible for the CDBS, a child must be eligible for Medicare, be within the specified age range, and be part of a family that receives certain government payments such as Family Tax Benefit Part A. The program is means-tested, so not all children may be eligible.
Dental services under the CDBS are provided by private dental practitioners who have opted to participate in the program. It is important for parents or guardians to check with their chosen dental provider to ensure they accept the CDBS and understand the specific services covered.