Normal shade of healthy teeth
But some people have yellow teeth, even if they practice good oral hygiene and brush their teeth properly.
Features of yellowness in teeth are different.
! Genetics. A person may already be born with a yellowish enamel color, which he inherited from his parents.
. Food and drinks: coffee, tea, sodas, wine, bright fruits and berries – revealing staining of the teeth by plaque and thus the appearance of the teeth change in color
. Smoking. Tar and nicotine are very fond of settling on the inside of the teeth with yellow and brown spots.
. Products containing refined sugar. Cookies, sweets, marmalade, chocolates
– it’s all so tasty, but unhealthy and color of your teeth
! Excessive use of fluoride. Usually uncontrolled supply of fluorine to normal with drinking water, in those regions where the water contains an excess of fluorine
! Age changes. Enamel becomes thinner and dentin is better visible, outwardly the teeth look yellowish
! Pathology of the liver and biliary tract.
It is important to contact not only the dentist, but also the gastroenterologist!
. Powerful drugs. For example, with long-term use of antibiotics, plaque should be avoided in the teeth.
! poor oral hygiene that leaves plaque
! The color of the teeth can change due to trauma and after endodontic treatment.
• But, of course, yellow teeth are not a sentence!
It is enough to visit the dentist regularly, do whitening and professional teeth cleaning. If you want to have white teeth – you will get them!